Cost of Betrayal

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Cost of Betrayal
Cost of Betrayal
Reduces Relic Charges to 1. Increases All Damage by 25% when wearer has 1 Relic Charge. Increases incoming damage by 25% when wearer has no Relic Charge. After 15s of having no Relic Charges, regain 1 Relic Charge.
Downloadable content required
This content is only available to owners of: Remnant II: The Awakened King
Upon closer inspection, you recognize the dangly chunks as severed tongues and eyeballs, plucked from their sockets moments before death and bound together as a monument to their owners' gravest mistake.
“The councilors gracelessly served no master but themselves, and their ill-plotted coup was doomed from its conception. Perhaps if they had made room for a properly brilliant, astute tactician to guide their slavering whims, they might have succeeded. Alas. I'll not shed a tear for them.”

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • If you equip Cost of Betrayal before equiping a Relic you will not recieve the damage multiplier. To fix it you need to re-equip it.

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

  • Increased Damage Bonus from 20% to 25%
  • Increased Damage Taken Penalty from 20% to 25%
  • Reduced Relic Recharge Delay from 30s to 15s

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Despite being taken from the three Councilors, the amulet actually holds 13 eyeballs instead of the expected 12.