Cleansing Stone

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Cleansing Stone
Cleansing Stone
Reduces Duration of Elemental Status Effects against wearer by 50%. Relic use cleanses Elemental Status effects and grants 25% of wearers Max Health to all allies within 20m when cleansed.
The stone is rumored to be have[sic] broken off the legendary Temple of the Great Spirit, though it is contested whether such place or being ever existed and, if they did, whether they would be beneficial to the Fae.
“There is no empirical evidence that the Fey legends of the past ever truly occurred. Indeed, some see history as more allegory than fact, while others claim the past to be unknown and unknowable.

It is worth considering what matters more—whether a thing actually happened or whether they believe that it did.”

Cleansing Stone is an amulet in Remnant 2 that shortens specific status effects, and both heals and cleanses allies on relic use.

Notes[edit | edit source]

Acquisition[edit | edit source]