RW:Privacy policy

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We take your privacy seriously. This policy describes what information we collect and how it is used. When using this website, you agree to the privacy policy and use of cookies. Information regarding third party services is also held here.

Information we collect

Account Creation

Information is collected upon account creation. This information includes, but is not limited to, the user's email address and full name. Any personal information disclosed by the user while using the website is also collected.


When modifying content within the website (such as making edits or uploading images), you create a permanent historical record of such contribution that will remain publicly viewable on the website and indexed by search engines. Any added, removed, or changed content will be in public display associated with the user's username (if signed in), or IP address (if not signed in).

Locally stored data

Personal information is actively collected using common technologies such as local storage, cookies, Javascript, or a tracking pixel. Cookies are used to hold user preferences and personalization, some of which are necessary for the website's function such as keeping users logged in over multiple sessions until expiration.Information held through such means includes information like text, images, basic personal information, and information about website usage such as navigation time or usernames.

Received data

When visiting the website, the server automatically receives information upon the page request. This information includes IP address, the URL you were referred from, browser information, operating system, and potentially your internet service provider or mobile carrier. This information is used to improve the experience of the website.

Information we share

Personal information is not shared to external individuals, organizations, or companies other than that of the website unless for the following reasons:

  • Legal obligation compliance
  • Identifiable information may be collected by Google Analytics. Refer to their privacy policy for more information. You may opt out of Google Analytics here.
  • Cloudflare is used to protect the website. By using the website, you agree to their privacy policy.
  • If consent is given, users may be asked to opt-in to sharing personal data with third parties. Any request of such may be rejected.


This website uses cookies and similar tracking technologies to provide its services and measure advertising effectiveness. These can include session cookies, which will be deleted upon closing your browser, or consistent cookies, which remain until deleted or expired. These cookies are used to keep you logged in between sessions and to track analytic information such as navigation data and preferences. We also use Google Analytics as a third-party company to analyze website use through the use of cookies.

How long is information kept

Identifiable information is kept for the shortest amount of time possible. Contributions to the website may be indefinitely held subject to their associated licensing.


When using our website, companies may access and use certain information from your device about your interests to serve personalized ads or content. We use Google AdSense as a third party vendor to serve ads, and you may opt out of Google AdSense cookies here.

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy is subject to change and will be updated on this page. The policy applies within the website it exists on, and are not responsible for the privacy policies of websites externally linked to.