Whispering Marble

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Whispering Marble
Whispering Marble
Grants 3 stacks of BULWARKIncreases damage resistance.

1 Stack: +7% DR
2 Stacks: +13% DR
3 Stacks: +18% DR
4 Stacks: +22% DR
5 Stacks: +25% DR
. Increases All Damage by 2% per stack of BULWARK.
A finely polished marble talisman featuring an abstract face. Though its lips never move, you're certain you hear whispered words when you're near it. Words of strength and resilience, of creation and destruction... so many words planted in your mind, spurring you onward.
“I could happily live the rest of my days without ever again glimpsing the horrific creations that the Dran attempt to pass off as art. Unrefined, unnerving, and wholly without merit, every last piece!”

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

  • Reduced damage bonus to 2% per BULWARK Stack (was 3%).

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]