Participation Medal

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Participation Medal
Participation Medal
Increase Health by 10, Stamina by 10, Movement Speed by 10%, and Damage Reduction by 10%.
Some believe that the true victory is in trying and never giving up. Others believe that it's an utter waste of time to celebrate anything other than successful completion of the task at hand. She didn't say it with words, but it came across loud and clear that McCabe falls in the second camp.
“I've got better things to do than cobble together meaningless prizes to cushion some random traveler's bruised ego. Keep it. Toss it. Eat it, for all I care. Just stay the hell away from me if you know what's good for you.”

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Consuming a Dried Fruit while wearing this amulet will slightly? increase its potency. This effect will last until death.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Both the Participation Medal and the Dried Fruit are a reference to a quote from tragic, a Gunfire Games developer. In response to criticisms of the Apocalypse difficulty, he said:

“Apoc isn't meant to be a free pass to ignore damage. It's called Apocalypse. It's not called 'I get 3 orange slices and a medal for participation.' We will adjust some values if they need to be adjusted.”

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

  • Automatically awarded to the Traveler after dying ten times to a boss on Apocalypse difficulty.