List of mutators

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Mutator Name Location Type Effect
Bandit (Mutator) Yaesha
(The Weald Stalker + The Gnarled Archer)

On hit, grants a 10% - 30% chance to return spent Ammo directly into the magazine of this weapon.

Level 10: When Ammo is returned to this weapon, it gains 10% increased Fire Rate for 3s. Duration can increase up to 10s.

On hit, grants a 10% - 30% chance to return spent Ammo back into the reserves of this weapon.

Level 10: When Ammo is returned to this weapon, it gains 10% increased Fire Rate for 3s. Duration can increase up to 10s.

Battery Ward 13
Ranged Increases Weakspot Damage by 10% - 20% for every 400 Mod Power Spent by the attached weapon's mod[sic]. Max 3 stacks. Lasts 10s.

Level 10: At Max Stacks, gain 10% Critical Chance on Weakspot Hits.
Battle Mage Ward 13
Melee Skill activation grants Mage Strike for 10s, increasing Melee Mod Generation by 25% - 50%.

Level 10: Mage Strike also increases Melee Damage by 15%.
Bottom Heavy Roaming Aberrations Ranged Grants 7% Fire Rate. Increases 1% - 2% for every 10% of Magazine missing.

Level 10: Reload Speed is increased by 1.5% for every 10% Magazine missing.
Bulletweaver Yaesha
(Endaira's End: Atrophy)
Ranged Mod use increases Fire Rate of this weapon by 10% - 20% for 15s.

Level 10: Increases Mod Generation for this weapon by 15%.
Deadly Calm Ward 13
Ranged Continuously Aiming increases Ranged Damage by up to 10% - 25% over 3s.

Level 10: Ranged Critical Hit Chance increased by 10%.
Dervish Ward 13
Melee Increases Melee Damage by 20% - 40% for 10s when activating a Skill.

Level 10: After dealing 350 base Melee damage, reduce Skill Cooldowns by 3%.
Disengage N'Erud
(Store Room: The Progeny)
Melee Melee Strikes increase the damage of the next Backdash Evade Attack by 5% - 15%. Max 3 Stacks. Lasts 7.5s.

Level 10: Perfect Neutral Evades grant 3 stacks.
Dreadful Losomn
(Forlorn Coast: Dire Fiend)
Ranged Increases Ranged Damage by 1% - 2% for every 5% of total Health present as Grey Health. Max 20% increase.

Level 10: Increases Reload Speed for this weapon by 25% while Grey Health is present.
Edgelord Roaming Aberrations Melee Increases Melee Charge Speed by 15% - 35% and Melee Attack Speed by 10%.

Level 10: Gain 3% of based Charged Melee Damage dealt as Lifesteal.
Executor Losomn
(Forlorn Coast: Little Gorge)
Melee Charged Melee Attacks increase the duration of Negative Status Effects on enemies by 10% - 30% of the original duration. Cannot exceed original max duration.

Level 10: Increases Melee Charge Speed and Melee Attack Speed by 5% per entity within 20m with a Negative Status Effect. Max 4 stacks.
Extender Yaesha
(Sarcophagus: Rot)

Increases Magazine Capacity of this weapon by 20% - 45%.

Level 10: Increases Reload Speed of this weapon by 20%.

Increases Reserve Size of this weapon by 20% - 45%.

Level 10: Increases Reload Speed of this weapon by 20%.

Failsafe N'Erud
(Dormant N'Erudian Facility: S.D. 0A7)
Ranged Attached Mod deals 10% - 25% additional Mod Damage.

Level 10: Attached Mod use gains a 15% chance to not consume charge.
Far-Sighted Yaesha
(Luminous Vale: Stonewing Lurker)
Ranged Increases Ranged Damage of this weapon by 1.25% - 2.5% for every 2.5m from the shooter to the target. Max 25%.

Level 10: Increases this weapon's Ideal, Falloff, and Max Range by 5m.
Feedback Ward 13
Ranged Using this weapon's Mod generates 10% - 20% of single charge value as passive Mod Power over 10s. Does not stack.

Level 10: Mod Damage generates 15% of Base Damage dealt as Mod Power.
Fetid Wounds Ward 13
Ranged Increases Critical Chance of this weapon by 1% - 3% per unique Negative Status Effect on the enemy. Max 15% increase.

Level 10: This weapon's Ranged Weakspot and Ranged Critical Hits apply CORRODED, dealing 75 CORROSIVE damage over 10s.
Ghost Shell Yaesha
(Rotten Thaen Fruit)
Ranged Every 3rd consecutive Weakspot Hits deals 20% - 40% additional damage.

Level 10: Increases Weakspot Critical Chance by 15%.
Gladiator Yaesha
(Proving Grounds: The Fractured)
Melee While brandishing a Melee Weapon, receiving Enemy Damage increases Melee Damage by 25% - 50% for 5s.

Level 10: Receiving Enemy Damage while brandishing a Melee Weapon grants 1 stack of BULWARK for 5s.
Guts Losomn
(The Forgotten Commune: Cursed Wretch)
Melee Increases Melee Critical Chance by 5% - 25% when Grey Health is present.

Level 10: Increases Melee Critical Damage by 0.5% for every 1% of Grey Health.
Harmonizer Ward 13
Ranged Attached Mod deals 10% - 20% additional Mod Damage.

Level 10: Generate 25% additional Mod Power for Stowed Weapon.
Ingenuity Roaming Aberrations Ranged Reduces the Heat Generation of this weapon by 10% - 30%.

Level 10: Reload Speed is increased up to 55% based on this weapon's Heat accumulation.
Kill Switch Roaming Aberrations Ranged Switching to this weapon creates an Explosive Burst which deals 50 - 250 Damage to all enemies within 7m.

Can only happen once every 10s.

Level 10: This weapon's kills with any Explosive Damage reduce Kill Switch cooldown by 1s.

Latency Roaming Aberrations Melee Melee Weapons with special abilities which become readied by dealing Melee Damage require 10% - 35% less damage to charge.

Level 10: Increases the power of readied Melee Special abilities by 25%.

Lithely Losomn
(Harvester's Reach: Barghest the Vile)
Ranged Dealing 50% - 20% of the attached Weapon's Magazine Base Damage increases reload speed by 3%. Lasts 7s. Max 5 Stacks.

Level 10: Reloading at Max Stacks increases Ranged Damage by 20% for 15s.
Maelstrom Losomn
(Forlorn Coast: Mangled Atoner)
Ranged Increases this weapon's Elemental Damage by 5% - 10% for each unique Elemental Status Effect on the target.

Level 10: Increases Mod Power Generation of Elemental Damage and Elemental Status damage by 20%.
Misfortune Losomn
(Malefic Palace: Firth: The Oathkeeper)
Melee Increase Melee damage by 6% - 10% for each unique Negative Status the target is suffering from.

Level 10: Charge Melee Attacks apply SLOW for 3s.
Momentum Yaesha
(Imperial Gardens: Mantagora)
Ranged When this weapon scores a Critical Hit, it increases Critical Chance and Critical Damage by 1% - 2% for 3s. Max 10[sic] stacks.

Level 10: Critical Hits from this weapon add 2 stacks. Increases duration by 2s.
Near-Sighted Yaesha
(Infested Abyss: The Emissary)
Ranged Increases Ranged Damage of this weapon by 10% - 20% to enemies within 7m.

Level 10: Increases Ranged Critical Chance of this weapon by 10% to enemies within 7m.
Opportunist Roaming Aberrations Melee Perfect Dodge activates OPPORTUNITY which increases Melee Critical Chance by 50% - 100% for 2s.

Level 10: While OPPORTUNITY is active, any Dodge or Combat Slide refreshes the duration.
Overdrive Yaesha
(The Lament: Wither)
Melee Melee Critical Hits increase Melee Critical Chance by 2% - 5% for 10s. stacking up to 5 times.

Level 10: Melee Critical Strikes deal 25% additional damage.
Pressure Point Yaesha
(Ancient Canopy: Charred Sentry)
Ranged Increases this weapon's Ranged and Mod Damage by 5% - 15% to enemies within 7m.

Level 10: Activating this weapon's Mod triggers a fixed 7m blast, dealing 50 Explosive Damage per 100 Mod Power spent in a single cast. Inflicts 1.5 Stagger Damage.
Prophecy Losomn
(Pathway of the Fallen: Wraithliege)
Ranged Using this weapon's Mod increases Mod Power Generation by 3% - 6% for 10s. Max 5 stacks.

Level 10: Increases Movement Speed by 3% per stack.
Refunder N'Erud
(Tower of the Unseen: E.D. Alpha)
Ranged Shots from this weapon have a 20% - 50% chance to return spent Ammo to reserves.

Level 10: Refunded Ammo has a 25% chance to also be added to stowed weapon reserves.
Reinvigorate Yaesha
(Forgotten Field: Defiler)
Melee Reduces the Stamina Cost of all Charged Melee Attacks by 25% - 50%.

Level 10: Melee Charge Attacks gain 20% additional damage and 10% Critical Chance.
Resentment Ward 13
Melee Gain 15% - 35% Melee Damage when Grey Health is present.

Level 10: Reduces Stagger by 1 when using any Melee Attack.
Searing Wounds Yaesha
(Goddess's Rest: The Bloodless Heir)
Ranged Increases Ranged Damage of this weapon by 1% - 10% to BURNING targets.

Level 10: This weapon's Ranged Weakspot and Ranged Critical Hits apply BURNING, dealing 50 FIRE damage over 5s.
Sequenced Shot Roaming Aberrations Ranged This weapon's Charged Shots decrease the Charge time of Subsequent Charge Shots by 10% - 35% for 5s.

Level 10: While active, Charged Primary Shots grant 1% Ranged Critical Chance per round spent. Max 15%.
Shielded Strike Ward 13
Melee Melee Attacks grant a Shield[sic] for 5% - 10% of Max Health. Max 25% - 50%. Lasts 5s.

Level 10: Charged Melee Attacks deal 25% additional Melee Damage based on current Shield[sic] amount.
Shocker Roaming Aberrations Melee Empowers weapon after 3 hits. While empowered. the next Charged Melee Hit strikes all enemies within 7m with 50 - 100 SHOCK Damage.

Level 10: The SHOCK Damage now applies OVERLOADED dealing 125 damage every 5s over 25s.
Slayer Ward 13
Ranged Reloading increases this damage of this weapon's next shot by 10% - 20%. Lasts 3s.

Level 10: Increases Reload Speed by 15%.
Sleeper Losomn
(Derelict Lighthouse: Gorecarver and Thunderpiercer)
Ranged This weapon becomes EMPOWERED when stowed for 5 seconds, granting 25% Critical Chance for 5s - 10s after it's drawn.

Level 10: While EMPOWERED, increases Critical Damage of this weapon by 15%
Spellweaver Ward 13
Ranged Increases this weapon's Mod Damage and Mod Generation by 10% - 15% for 10s when activating a Skill.

Level 10: Activating this weapon's Mod reduces Skill Cooldowns by 1% for every 100 Mod Power spent.
Spirit Feeder Roaming Aberrations Ranged Reloading this weapon increases the damage of the Attached Mod by 10% - 25%. Lasts 5s.

Level 10: Casting Attached Mod increases Reload Speed by 25%. Lasts 5s.
Spirit Healer Roaming Aberrations Ranged Regenerate 2% Health over 10s for every 150 - 50 Mod Power spent.

Level 10: Allies within 15m are healed for 50% of the primary effect.
Steadfast Losomn
([[]]: The Executioner)
Melee Charged Melee Attacks cannot be interrupted and gain 5% - 10% Damage Reduction from all sources.

Level 10: All Damage taken during a Charged Melee Attack is converted to Grey Health.
Stormbringer Roaming Aberrations Melee Increases the Status Effect Damage applied by Melee Attacks by 25% - 50%.

Level 10: Charged Melee Attacks lower enemy's Resistance to All Status damage by 10%. Lasts 10s.
Striker Losomn
(Morrow Parish: Ripsaw)
Melee Melee Hits increase Melee Damage by 3% - 6% for 5s. Max 5 Stacks.

Level 10: Increases Movement Speed by 3% per stack.
Supercharger Root Earth
(Twilight Vale: Bane)
Ranged Increases Charge Speed for Bows and Fusion Rifles by 10% - 30%.

Level 10: Charged Primary Shots of Bows and Fusion Rifles gain 15% Critical Chance.
Tainted Blade Ward 13
Melee Increases Melee Damage by 5% - 8% per stack of CORRODED on the target. Max 5 stacks.

Level 10: Charged Melee Attacks apply CORRODED, dealing 250 ACID[sic] Damage over 10s.
Thousand Cuts Yaesha
(Shrine of the Doe: Protector of the Grove)
Ranged Increases this weapon's Critical Chance and Critical Damage by 0.1% - 0.5% for each shot fired. Lasts 0.125s. Max 50 stacks.

Level 10: Increases this weapon's Reload Speed by 1% per stack.
Timewave N'Erud
(Remains Below: Restless Spirit)
Ranged Increase this weapon's Ranged damage by 5% - 20% to enemies inflicted with SLOW status.

Level 10: Mod Use applies SLOW status on all enemies within 10m for 5s. Can only happen once every 10s.
Top Heavy Roaming Aberrations Ranged Increases this weapon's Ranged Damage by up to 7.5% - 15% based on how close the magazine capacity is to full.

Level 10: Increases this weapon's Weakspot Damage by up to 20% based on how close the magazine capacity is to full.
Transference N'Erud
(Void Vessel Facility: Fetid Corpse)
Melee Melee Hits generate 5% of Max Ammo Capacity to the Reserves for both Firearms. Cooldown 10s- 5s.

Level 10: After Ammo is Transferred, increase Reload Speed of this weapon by 50% for 5s.
Transpose N'Erud
(Robot Hangar: W.D. 109)

Gaining Ammo increases Ranged Damage by 5% - 15% for 15s.

Level 10: New Ammo gains are added directly to into this weapon's magazine.

Gaining Ammo increases Ranged Damage by 5% - 15% for 15s.

Level 10: New Ammo gains grants this weapon Infinite Reserves for 15s.

Twisting Wounds Losomn
(Grime Crawler Event: Gorge)
Ranged Increases Ranged damage of this weapon by 1% - 10% to BLEEDING targets.

Level 10: This weapon's Ranged Weakspot and Ranged Critical Hits apply BLEEDING, dealing 150 BLEED damage over 20s.
Vampire Blade Yaesha
(Endaira's End: Fester)
Melee Increases Melee Damage by 10% - 30% while within 10m of a BLEEDING entity.

Level 10: Melee Hits vs BLEEDING targets will Lifesteal 3% of base damage dealt.
Vengeful Strike The Labyrinth
Melee Increases Melee damage by 25% - 50% when below 50% Max Health.

Level 10: Increases Melee Critical Chance by 15% when below 50% Max Health.
Weaponlord Ward 13
Melee Basic Melee Attacks increase the next Charge Attack by 7% - 15%. Max 3 stacks.

Level 10: At Max Stacks, the next Charge Attack gains 100% Critical Chance.