Fetid Wounds

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Fetid Wounds
Fetid Wounds
Increases Critical Chance of this weapon by 1% - 3% per unique Negative Status Effect on the enemy. Max 15% increase.

Level 10: This weapon's Ranged Weakspot and Ranged Critical Hits apply CORRODED, dealing 75 CORROSIVE damage over 10s.

Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Level Value Cost
Base 1% N/A
+1 1.2% 1 250
+2 1.4% 1 300
+3 1.6% 2 300
+4 1.8% 2 400
+5 2% 2 400
+6 2.2% 3 500
+7 2.4% 3 500
+8 2.6% 3 600
+9 2.8% 3 750
+10 3% 5 1,000

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • CORROSIVE damage scales with attached weapon level, up to a 3x multiplier at max level.

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

  • Reduced Corrosion to 75/10s (was 200/10s).
  • Added slow effect.