Lifeless Heart

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Lifeless Heart
Lifeless Heart
Innate 50% Use Speed Bonus, but provides no healing. Relic capacity is doubled.
Though cold as stone, a faint tremor can be felt within—the barest whisper of a heart that will not, perhaps cannot, die.
“The Thaen cannot die, for it is the lifeblood of the Pan and perhaps Yaesha itself. When the impossible came to pass, some believed it to be the end of the world. Others believed the Thaen could not, therefore, be as singular as was previously thought.

As of yet, neither faith has been proven wrong.”

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The Lifeless Heart is excellent for proccing Relic Perks due to its high capacity and use speed.
  • The relic capacity bonus from Tear of Kaeula is also doubled while using the Lifeless Heart.

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

Update History[edit | edit source]

April 23, 2024 Patch (Patch 417,127)

  • Removed healing effect.
  • Added an innate 50% use speed bonus.