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“Once servants of the Eternal Empress, many Laemir have been seduced by the Ravager's blood-soaked tongue and thus betrayed the Pan.

Beware, Paxultek. They will fight until the beast's final breath.”

Legion is a heretical Laemir Priest whose mind was consumed by the Root, and now watches over the work of their fellow Root Cultists from their throne in the The Twisted Chantry. Rewards a material used to craft the Fargazer mod when killed.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Legion spends the fight stationary on their throne. They periodically gather power, unleashing it in a shockwave that covers the entire arena. Every shockwave summons Root Zombies and Root Zombie Exploders. It also resurrects Root Zombies that were recently killed into enhanced variants, giving them greater durability and a ROOT ROT explosion on death. Unlike those of the normal Root Cultist however, these enhanced zombies do not benefit from a HASTE buff.

Legion's Pan body is invulnerable. Instead, the only way to harm them is to target their massive eye. The eye is armored, but periodically opens up, to unleash a continous barrage of projectiles, loosing its damage resistance for the duration.

While the eye is open, looking towards it inflicts the Madness effect. It builds up very fast, and can reach two stacks, with separate effects for each:

  • The first stack causes any further Madness build up to also inflict damage.
  • The second stack hides the UI.

Although Madness builds up incredibly quickly, it also decays just as fast as long as eye contact is avoided. Once Legion reaches 70% health this becomes more difficult however, as the eye of Legion begins to move through the arena to catch the Traveler from different angles.

Rewards[edit | edit source]