Occult Vessel

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Occult Vessel
Crafting Material
Occult Vessel
Downloadable content required
This content is only available to owners of: Remnant II: The Awakened King
A spiked cube with sharpened edges that is nearly impossible to hold without injuring your hands. Despite its deadly visage, you have a feeling there's something useful to be done with this thing.
“While the Fae are so often accused of savagery—a description we quite embrace, as it were—even a cursory study of Dran culture reveals a propsenity for torture offset by an abundance of penitence. This incongruity is one of the many bemusing things about those beasts.”

Uses[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

  • To acquire the Occult Vessel, you must complete the Dranception event.

To begin the Dranception event, you will need access to the following areas. These can be individually re-rolled through Adventure Mode, with the exception of Root Earth and The Labyrinth.

If you die at any point, you will have to start over. It is highly recommended to clear the above areas before an attempt.

Steps to Complete

  1. Travel to Losomn and begin the Ethereal Manor Event. This event can be found in Cotton's Kiln, Butcher's Quarter, the Sunken Haunt, or the Derelict Lighthouse.
  2. While trapped in the manor, use the Liquid Escape to travel to the Corrupted Throne.
  3. Travel to Ward 13 and talk to the Dran near the gate to the Old Ward.
  4. Travel to The Red Throne and enter the building on the right. Follow the hallway to the very end and speak with the Dran.
  5. Travel to Fractured Ingress and talk to the Dran on the bridge above the large portal.
  6. Travel to Forgotten Prison. Talk to the Dran within the chamber preceding the fight with Tal'Ratha.
  7. Travel to Ashen Wasteland. Go past the trainyard and talk with the Dran by the checkpoint.
  8. Travel to The Tormented Asylum and talk to the Dran in the corner. You will receive the Dran's Dream.
  9. Use Dran's Dream to enter the Forgotten Null. You will find the Occult Vessel on the shore next to a sitting Dran.