
From The Remnant 2 Wiki
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Welcome to the (unofficial) Remnant Wiki! Everything that you'll find on this website comes from volunteer effort, built by and for the community. Any effort toward that is appreciated.

Getting Started

Editing is not meant to be intimidating. If you see something incorrect or missing, please feel free to make a change and don't worry about "doing it wrong", you are not ruining anything. The information is there now, and that's what matters. If you do find yourself confused, ask for help!

If you really want to play around with wikitext and figure out how it works, play around in your User page. Navigate to and click Edit or Edit Source. For example, my user page is located here. You may also create subpages, like this (replacing my username with your own). These are great testing grounds to view your contribution beforehand. If you'd like the page deleted afterward, please place the text: {{Mark for deletion}} somewhere on the page.

Community links:

Feel free to contact me directly:

Creating a page

If the wiki is missing something, whether it be an item or event directly from the game, or some kind of collection of information you yourself would find useful, add it!

All you'll need to do is travel to that empty page under name here and click Create or Create Source in the upper right. You may even find a grey link on an existing page, a greyed out link indicating a page that does not yet exist. This could be the exact name of an item, or it could be "Armor sets sorted by Weight", or a lore piece detailing your favorite area of the game.

If you are unsure how to properly title or otherwise format your page, please refer to the Style guide.

Improving a page

Some pages contain only the most information we could dig up at the time. Updates happen and things are proven wrong, go ahead and make the correction by clicking Edit or Edit Source in the upper right. Along with that, an article could be written poorly, missing images, or otherwise lacking content. Find pages with errors, missing information, or information in need of updating here.

Formatting made easy

Generally, for in-game content pages (items, trait cards, enemies, events, etc), there is likely an existing template where filling out information will handle the majority of formatting for you.

These templates are made easy to copy and paste between similar pages, with some degree of formatting options. If you struggle with these, feel free to write anyway and allow another editor to fix formatting issues.

If you do decide to use templates, here are some examples you could follow. At any of these pages, click View Source or Edit Source in the upper right.

These templates will automatically categorize and format for you. Fill it in to the best of your ability and click Show preview to see if it worked. If the page does not look like the others, there is likely a syntax error. Check that there are opening {{ and closing }} curly braces wrapped around the entire template call, as well as a | pipe before each parameter name.

Formatting templates are often used alongside these to display information in a consistent format. Check here for a list of them. There are also a few common html/css or wikitext formatting options, and these may be passed through most parameters as well. Many exist, but here are common examples:

Section headings

Headers can be used with surrounding = equal signs. When nesting headers, smaller headers (more equal signs) should be used. While there are six different size options, we generally start with two and add from there.

  • ==Underlined large heading==
  • ===Nested sub-heading===
  • ======Smallest heading======


HTML tags

  • <br> for line breaks
  • <code>text</code> for highlighted snippits of text/code
  • <pre>text</pre> for highlighted blocks of code
  • <blockquote>text</blockquote> for quotes

Wikitext markup

  • '''bold text'''
  • ''italicized text''
  • * or # to create bulleted/numbered lists
  • : to indent, which can be used multiple times on the same line
  • ---- or <hr> for a horizontal rule, a line separating paragraphs

Wikitext tags

  • <nowiki>unparsed text</nowiki> to ignore wikitext parsing

Table of contents

The table of contents will appear by default when headings are used throughout the page. This table of contents can be forced, moved, or hidden with the following.

  • __FORCETOC__
  • __TOC__
  • __NOTOC__


Refer here for more complete information on wikitext. Below are other common usecases:

Creating templates/modules

This is a more advanced section that may be safely skipped until you find the need to do so. If you are interested in creating templates/modules for the wiki, refer to the documentation here:

If you are learning, sandboxed templates/modules may be used as a testing ground. Navigate to or to practice.

General advice

Don't worry about it. Click through stuff, add content, have fun with it. This is a community project in the end, it shouldn't feel like a chore!

See Also

  • RW:Style_guide will answer questions on exact page layouts, formatting, file uploads, and similar topics. Beginners are still encouraged to trial-and-error as long as it is not done with malicious intent, so don't be scared off by the lengthy details.