RW:Style guide

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This guide covers very specific topics. For a beginner's guide, refer to Help:Contributing

This style guide was created to maintain consistency throughout pages, making them easier to read and understand. Not only does it help the reader, it makes editing easier as well. While there may be varied opinions on a best format, keeping one consistent format is important. These are subject to change, and any significant changes will be immediately made to all pages.

Article/Section titles

Article titles will almost always follow standard English writing (treated as a sentence rather than a title), with true in-game titles taking precedence. Use the exact name and capitalization as shown in-game if possible. Otherwise, capitalize the first word and leave the rest lowercase. For example, an item or boss name will be spelled exactly as written in-game while a broad concept like "Critical hit" would only capitalize the first word.

Some in-game concepts, such as events, will have an ambiguous title. In these cases, use your best judgement and be sure to differentiate any pages with the same title by specifying it in parenthesis. For example, The Executioner may refer to the aberration or the event, therefore the event page may be The Executioner (event).

In any case, these rules have exceptions. Due to URL restrictions, the following symbols cannot be used in a page title: #<>[]{|} and therefore must be worked around or removed.

Article layout

Article layouts follow a consistent structure that is, or should be, held true for every article on the wiki and especially true for similar articles. Aesthetics and logic matter here, as we want highly sought after information to be easily found without ruining the overall presentation. A consistent pattern allows users to know exactly where to scroll for the information they need as they grow familiar.

The best method of learning an article layout is to look through similar pages. Exact headings follow this order, though not all headings need to be filled out:

  1. Infobox
  2. Messages/notices (DLC requirements, Stub notices, disambig, etc)
  3. Related quotes: Flavor text either directly from the content, or an in-game quote directly from or related to the content.
  4. Summary text: Paragraph(s) covering important details.
  5. Headings in the following order:
    1. Gameplay-related
      1. Stats/Upgrades/Mechanics: Important details specific to that page.
      2. Notes: Details related to gameplay.
      3. Bugs: Details of known and understood bugs.
      4. Acquisition: Where/how the subject matter is acquired or seen.
    2. Archives
      1. Update history: A list of patches/updates effecting the topic of the page.
      2. Trivia: Fun facts or interesting out-of-game information.
      3. Gallery: Images
    3. Links
      1. See also: Pages with significant similarity or relevance.
      2. References: Paired with <ref> and <references /> tags.
  6. Navbox: If the page has a relevant navbox, it should display right above categories at the bottom of the page. Up to three navboxes are allowed, though it should only ever reach two at most.
  7. Categories and other hidden page information.

Summary section

Summary sections are parsed into meta tags describing the page, meaning the first few sentences of the page are shown on search engines and embedded links to that page. While the summary can be of any length, within reason, it should quickly capture key points related to that page, with the first (and only the first) mention of page name bolded ('''Page name''').


When embedding or uploading images, there are a few important guidelines to keep in mind. Refer to MediaWiki docs for more information.


  • Make use of the alt= parameter. This parameter displays text when the image is hovered, describing the image for accessibility.
  • Always resize images to the appropriate size using the documentation linked above.


  • Do NOT upload copyright images without explicit permission from the creator. Ask in the discord if you are unsure what license to use.
  • .png is the preferred image format for most images, while .jpg may be used for non-transparent images like screenshots or game art.
  • Do not upload images to use on your User page. If you absolutely must, please place {{Mark for deletion}} on the file upload page shortly after.
  • Do not upload existing images under a different name. Use the existing image, or upload an improved version of that image.


Wikitext is capable of rendering sanitized HTML/CSS. Refer to here for a comprehensive list of what is allowed.

All HTML/CSS should be semantic and responsive. Bare in mind when using self-closing tags like <br /> that the self-closing behavior comes from the tag itself, not the /> portion of it.

CSS should be included inline if the results are the same between mobile and desktop versions. If media queries are needed, or if inline adds needless difficulty, use the TemplateStyles extension. CSS classes can follow any naming convention, though BEM is recommended.


Leave room for localization on displayed text/categories/etc when creating templates, or more importantly, modules. Localization is not quite as simple as hoped, so this largely applies to modules over templates. Refer here for some heavy reading on the topic.

See also

Helpful documentation