Critical hit

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Critical Chance[edit | edit source]

Critical chance is also called Crit chance in-game, both terms are used interchangeably.

Critical chance determines a percentage chance per instance of damage to score a critical hit which boosts damage by 50% + critical damage modifier, this damage is multiplicative with other sources of damage.

Critical chance applies to all sources of damage except Status effects and self damage.

Critical hits are indicated in game with yellow damage prompt.

Maximum achievable critical chance is 100%, making all instances of damage critical hits.

Ranged Critical Chance[edit | edit source]

Ranged critical chance affects only Long Guns and Handguns.

It does not affect ranged melee attacks such as Horizon Strike or Energy Wave.

Melee Critical Chance[edit | edit source]

Melee critical chance affects only Melee Weapons.

It does not affect ranged melee attacks such as Horizon Strike or Energy Wave.

Mod Critical Chance[edit | edit source]

Mod critical chance affects only Weapon Mods.

It does not affect ranged melee attacks such as Horizon Strike or Energy Wave.

Skill Critical Chance[edit | edit source]

Skill critical chances affects only Skills:

Explosive Critical Chance[edit | edit source]

Explosive critical chance affects only Explosive damage. The only source is Dominator perk.

Critical Damage[edit | edit source]

Base critical damage is 50%, critical damage is multiplicative with other source of damage such as All Damage or Skill Damage.

Critical damage has no maximum limit.

Melee Critical Damage[edit | edit source]

Melee critical damage affects only Melee Weapons.

Only three items provide melee critical damage; Guts Mutator, Melee Critical Damage Relic Fragment, and Overdrive Mutator.

Ranged Critical Damage[edit | edit source]

Ranged critical damage affects only Long Guns and Handguns.

It does not affect ranged melee attacks such as Horizon Strike or Energy Wave.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Player character is immune to critical hit, no self damage can score a critical hit.