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  • Damage25
  • Health35
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  • Experience Gain
“Immortality. Cessation. The corruption promises both, but the two cannot exist in tandem. Every end requires a beginning, and every beginning requires an end.”

Annihilation is the final world boss of Remnant 2. He is found in the Blackened Citadel in Root Earth. Defeating him drops Forgotten Memory, used to craft Alpha / Omega.

Phase 1[edit | edit source]

The fight will often begin with a simple sword slam. Simply roll as it’s coming down on you. There’s a sound cue accompanying it that can help you to time the dodge.

This attack may be followed by the boss resting its sword on the ground for a moment, before rocketing towards you and flying into the air. Wait until he actually starts moving towards you, and then roll in his direction. There’s a sound cue to help with this attack too. Immediately after, Annihilation readies a ball of energy in his hand, and slams it into the ground, creating an arena-wide shockwave. Get as close to this as you can before he hits the ground, because the wave moves somewhat slow, may be tricky to dodge if you’re at a moderate distance. That timing it may be more straightforward if you dodge point-blank. At long distances though, it’s easy to gauge when you need to dodge.

Annihilation can also do a little twirl in the air, grip his sword by two hands, and plunge the sword into the ground, causing damage in an area. Again, this is accompanied by a sound cue, which can be used to time the dodge quite easily. He can do this up to three times in a row. When he’s finished, he has two possible moves. The first possibility is that he pushes his sword into the ground, which initiates a grab attack. Only roll after he finishes pushing it into the ground, or else you’ll get caught at the end of your roll. Getting caught, however, deals little damage, and can be escaped before he can follow up with any attacks. The other possibility is that he pulls back on the sword while it’s in the ground, spawning a bunch of orbs in the air. These orbs are tethered together in pairs of two, and must be destroyed. Destroying one orb destroys the one it’s tethered to. If you fail to destroy the orbs quickly, then they will fly at you and cause massive damage. One pair of orbs can be avoided with a roll, if it comes to it, but it is generally impossible to dodge all of them. The orbs can be destroyed extremely easily with the Enigma Handgun if you found it in The Labyrinth. The Spectral Blade melee weapon and Song of Eafir weapon mod are also quite effective.

Another attack can happen when the boss is near to the ground. He will ready his sword, and swipe it from your left to your right. This one is simple enough to dodge, as it’s accompanied by a sound cue like most of his attacks. However, immediately afterwards, he will feint another swing, but instead rest the sword on the ground for a moment before sweeping across the floor, from your right to your left. The sound cue timing is different on this attack, and paired with the appearance that he will swing, makes it easy to panic and roll early, only to get caught by the sweep after your iframes end. Just keep your calm and roll to your right when his arm starts moving, and not before.

The last thing to look out for in phase 1 is the lightning on the ground. The visual cue sticks around for quite a while before the lightning actually strikes, but it does do a lot of damage if it manages to hit you. Try to exercise some awareness to avoid running or dodging into it, but it's not uncommon for skilled players to be grazed by it from time to time.

Upon emptying Annihilation's health bar, a cutscene will play, where he splits his head open and reveals another, humanoid figure inside. The environment begins to glitch and break down, leaving the boss and player in a computerized environment.

Phase 2[edit | edit source]

The boss, now in a different form and environment, will start the fight by slamming down his blade onto the middle of the arena. This is fairly simple to dodge, being once again accompanied by a sound cue. Listen for it and dodge accordingly. You can stand inside the blade and not take damage once it’s on the ground. Then, with the sword still on the ground, he will wind up and sweep it towards the left or right side of the arena. There’s an sound cue for this one as well, so dodging it is also not too much trouble.

At the same time as the first attack, tentacles will rise from the ground, and some orange rectangles will flash between them. This indicates that the tentacles will slam down on that part of the ground, causing very light damage and obstructing your movement in that direction. These aren’t too troublesome, since they do very little damage, and they don’t obstruct in a way that makes dodging the boss’ attacks too difficult. There’s two different patterns these can follow, and it will change as the fight continues.

Annihilation can do a quick attack where he raises his arms and slams the ground, causing damage across the whole arena. It, too, is accompanied by a sound cue, making it relatively easy to dodge despite the attack coming quite quickly. If you get hit, it causes mild damage, but either way, it will leave a lingering cloud that will apply the Data Corruption blight, which will do a small amount of damage and prevent the player from using consumables when the bar fills.

The boss can also place his sword at the left or right side of the arena, and do a sweep across it, much like the first attack. It has the same sound cue and timing as the sweep from the middle of the arena. This attack is especially easy to dodge if you roll into the oncoming blade, instead of away from it, or perpendicular to it. Accompanying a sword swipe from left to right will be a grid of lasers appearing at the front of the arena. A moment after appearing, they will fly towards the player, dealing high damage. You’ll need to position yourself between the lasers to avoid damage, or simply roll through them as they come towards you. One particular arrangement can be avoided with a crouch or slide, but you need to be careful, because actions like mod casting will raise your hitbox enough to be damaged by the overhead beams.

If the boss is swinging from right to left, it will instead be accompanied by lightning strikes. As the attack winds up, hazard spots will sequentially appear from one side of the arena to the other. After the attack commences, lightning will strike the indicated spots. The places where the indicators appeared first are the places where the lightning will strike first, so make some distance from them while the attack winds up. Otherwise, you will be forced to roll by the attack, and will get caught by the lightning before the end of your roll. When dodging the lightning, you have the option of merely avoiding it with iframes as it strikes the ground beneath you, or rolling onto a spot just struck by lightning as it travels across the arena.

Once Annihilation has lost a large chunk of health in the second phase, he will begin to glitch back and forth between his first and second phases in between attacks, with only a second for the player to gain their bearings in between. This will always begin with his first phase slamming the energy ball into the ground to create a shockwave. From there, he can change between forms at will. Try to remember what attack was interrupted whenever he switches, because that is the attack that will be resumed when he changes back.

There are two attacks that miss their sound cue if they are the first attack after a phase transition. This is because the sound is played immediately before a prior phase change, causing it to be skipped when it is later resumed. In his first phase, the attack where he slides the sword from right to left after a feint does not have its accompanying sound cue. You need to be extra careful to remember when this attack is queued, and watch his arm closely to see when the attack begins. Just like before, roll to the right to give yourself the greatest chance of avoiding it. The other attack is in the second phase, also when he swipes the sword from the right to the left. Just like the last one, this attack is missing its sound cue, unlike other similar attacks in the second phase. Watch his arm and roll to the right to avoid damage.

Once the boss has lost significant health in his second phase, he may do a backflip, and send out a shockwave, spawning  a number of orbs in the arena. The shockwave is accompanied by a sound cue, but it’s a bit early, so wait a moment to dodge once you hear it. The shockwave will repeat a few times during this bit. He can also shove you around to make moving forward a bit difficult. You have more time to destroy the orbs this time, but they are numerous, and there’s a number of tentacles swinging around to obscure your vision. If you succeed in destroying them in time, the boss will become stunned and give you some time to deal some damage. If you fail, then the orbs will fly at you like in the first phase.

End Sequence[edit | edit source]

After Annihilation's second healthbar is drained, a cutscene will play. Afterwards, the boss will get up once more, and begin a ritual to stop Clementine from completing her task. During this time, Annihilation will be come invincible, and the Traveler will be swarmed by enemies.

The Traveler cannot be defeated during this sequence, and there is no punishment or penalty for doing a poor job of shooting enemies. The Traveler may even drink Liquid Escape to end the sequence early.

Once a sufficient number of enemies are defeated (or the Traveler's HP becomes depleted), the sequence will end. The player receives their reward, and the final cutscenes & credits will play. There is one additional cutscene after that does NOT play if the credits are skipped.

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]