User:Amalie/Layabout Earl

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the following is Earl's main story, in order, one line at a time:
0: "Alright then, I got a story for you, stranger... If’n you’ve a mind to listen."
1: "Happened a few years back. Fog rolled in off the ocean so thick you couldn’t see but a foot in front of your nose. "
2: "You remember that night? Don’t know why I’m asking. Everybody does."
3: "Anyways, I see these rabbits. My whole life, I ain’t seen but one of the damned things, but that night, there were hundreds of them. Everywhere. All running deep into the fog."
4: "My mouth watered at the thought of putting one in my cook pot, so I chased ‘em into the city—fog be damned."
5: "And then I-I hear this screeching—not one screech, mind you, but dozens of 'em. Each one cut off suddenly mid-scream."
6: "I didn’t want to know what caused it, but damned if that weren’t coming from where all the rabbits had gone."
7: "So, I crept forward slow-like. Rifle ready to shoot the first thing I saw."
8: "Then the fog cleared—not in the whole city mind you. Just, like...just like this one ring of space smack dab in the middle of the street."
9: "In the middle of that space, surrounded by thick, white fog all around, was a hundred rabbits all crowded around, twitching their noses and staring at this beautiful lady."
10: "She stood alone among the rabbits, naked as a newborn save for one shiny ring on her finger. Her face and breasts were covered with blood."
11: "She stared at me like I was nothing, like we was just having a normal day in the middle of a fog-ridden street—me with my rifle, and her with her rabbits and blood. "
12: "Then, she casually reached down, grabbed one of the critters, and bit the damned thing’s head clean off."
13: "It screeched, but only for a moment before it died. And then she tosses the body behind her where I see a whole mound of furry corpses."
14: "She looked at me and gestured with one finger to follow her. And she turned and walked into a nearby building. The whole damn rabbit horde followed her."
15: "I don’t need to tell you I didn’t go too. I spun around and ran back to camp as fast as I could."
16: "I packed up my things and kept going, running then walking then trudging, until finally, I collapsed on the ground."
17: "Brabus was the one what found me. He carried me back here to the Ward. Said he didn't see nothing strange. Didn't believe one word of my story neither."
18: "But...but you believe it, don't you? [sigh]"
19: "When I woke up, I...I was wearing the woman’s ring. I took it off immediately, but I kept it with me. Not sure why."
20: "You’re a good listener, stranger. I don’t know what this ring is or what it means, but...if you’re going out there..."
now it gives you the ring
21: "I dunno. Maybe it’ll do something for you. Maybe you’ll find something."
22: "Or maybe she’ll find you. Either way, I don’t want it no more. Throw it in the ocean if you want. I never could do it myself."

to do: add his other lines, consider adding the associated voice files for each line