Stone-carved Doll/Third

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Stone-carved Doll
Quest Item
Stone-carved Doll (upper).png
This carving exudes confidence—yet strangeness as well, like the artist was trying to recall emotions from a dream barely remembered.
“The good doctor did the best she could with the life she'd been given. The asylum truly was Morrow's home both in name and truth.

But that just makes what goes on in there all the sadder.”
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Acquisition[edit | edit source]

  • Losomn, Morrow Parish. Found on the third floor of the Morrow Sanatorium, on a balcony attached to a decaying room.
  • Return all three to hear the clue to opening Dr. Morrow's safe in her office. Two shiny copper teeth removed from nine discarded combs, and seven yellowed leaves excised from one forgotten tome.