Pan Statue

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Pan Statue
Pan Statue
  • Damage500
  • Health500
  • icon0
  • icon0
  • icon0
  • icon0

Strategy[edit | edit source]

The Pan Statue will only move if the Traveler cannot see it, approaching at a brisk pace. Once close enough it smashes it's claws together, a blow devastating enough to down even a Traveler with exceptionally high defenses.

Its body is wholly invulnerable—with the exception of the crystal embedded in its face. When the Statue moves, the crystal glows and becomes a weakspot. However, once it stops the glow soon fades.

Even when stationary, it should not be trifled with. If the Traveler gets within reach, it will strike regardless of where they are looking. This does however light up the crystal, offering an alternative tactic.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Inactive Pan Statue can't be damaged