Lore: Walt's Notes

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What Became of Thalos??

I have yet to uncover the truth of it. Yet! But Ro’thinderahenwalt has theories. The plague followed the Pan to their new shore. That much is clear. I have discerned that Thalos survived the sea journey and naturally became their king, though he soon fell ill to the sickness. Ah, but there’s more to consider here! It is well documented that King Thalos suffered traces of this illness as a youngling. Perhaps the circumstance of his birth granted him some kind of immunity... Yes, perhaps. All I know is that he did not fall to the illness. My lost tribe did not crumble so readily. I refuse to believe it. But I need more information.

The Living Stones

Let it be known that Ro’thinderahenwalt was right! I always believed in the living stones. The ridicule I endured... Ah, but that’s all over. I will return triumphant, with an army of stones at my command. The empress will tremble in fear! They will build a statue in my honor! A giant one, with the help of my stones! Ah, no, enough. One step at a time. There is still much to figure out. How did Lydusa control the stones? How?! And the question that turns my stomach remains unanswered... Where is my tribe now? Hm. I will have my answers, and my Pan will have their freedom. That will make all I’ve done to get here worth it.

I know what became of Thalos. I wish I did not. To start, he never sired an heir. He was dubbed “the bloodless king,” all because of that stone temptress! Perhaps I will keep that part to myself. Yet it only gets worse... He died in a rage, trying to protect the false goddess from the Vaunnt. Imagine! He died protecting that paxultek from his own kinfolk! Why must all stories end so tragically?! Of course, the Vaunnt should not have killed their king...but they had no choice! Right? Ah, my head is so confused, my heart is heavy. And still, I have no lost tribe or stone power to my name. I must press on, though I'm afraid of what I will find. I have gone too far to turn back now.

The Lost Tribe
Research Journal XI

These are the findings of
Pan explorer and
lost-tribe historian.

All journeys must come to an end, and in this brief moment of clarity, I will summarize my findings so that they will live beyond my own flesh. What I found is...

No, no, slow down. My head is unwell. My heart is broken. I am overcome with a rage that won’t abide. It makes me tremble and shake. I’m paralyzed with fear. Of what? Of myself. And the future. What future? Precisely. I am unwell. I am broken.

I will try this again. At the beginning. I will start there. I have been on this journey for so long. My whole life, really. But in this lonely jungle, I have spent so many years. Too many to count. I’ve wondered if the empress really sent me away to get rid of me. To stop my musings about the lost tribe and the song of the stones. They all wished to be rid of me. They threw me aside like garbage! They refused to believe me! To believe the truth of our own history! They deserve their pathetic chains of ignorance!

Enough. Enough, enough. I am unwell. I must find a way to write it, before it eats me up inside. The lost tribe is no more. They were real. They arrived on these shores. They overcame the cursed plague that ever haunts the Pan. They tasted true power—the power of the living stones—gifted from the hand of a goddess called Lydusa. Then that same goddess squashed them beneath her feet like insects. Turned the very power that had built their civilization against them. And they are gone. No more. They are dead and killed. Murdered, destroyed, annihilated!!! Every last one of them. There is no lost tribe for lost Ro’thinderahenwalt. No place for his heart to call home. Even my dreams are stolen from me, leaving an endless nightmare in waking and in sleep. What to do...

Stay focused. Must stay focused. Right. There must be a way. I have not suffered through all of this for nothing. I have learned of something...a secret something. I found it in a document hidden away. I destroyed the evidence, just to be safe. Just to be sure. There is only one thing that can stop her. This goddess, whose paltry existence still remains somewhere around here. I saw a drawing of this item. If I could find it, I could control her... And then, there would still be hope for Ro’thinderahenwalt! I could rebuild the Pan society I left behind in the image of the lost tribe! Yes... Yes! There is still hope. The very last hope. If I can’t find it, all is lost. I am dead. Dead, dead, dead, like my lost tribe. I wish I knew where to look...