Lore: Thalos' Love Letters

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Found in Goddess's Rest, in a hidden area reached through an illusory wall in a flooded cave.

My sweet Lydusa,

I dedicate this temple to you. I oversaw its every detail upon creation, and I imbued each brick lain with a thought of you: the soft lilt of your voice, the hidden gems in your gaze, the enchantment I feel in your presence. A temple is a place of worship, and worship I intend, for you are a deity to whom my heart offers its endless devotion.

I wish to visit you on the next Ruby Moon and each Ruby Moon after that. Though circumstances keep us apart, this temple will serve to bring us together.

Yours in eternity,

My sweet Lydusa,

I must apologize deeply for my absence. The Vaunnt have kept their king endlessly occupied. My realm grows and flourishes with each new day, a prosperity I owe entirely to your kindness and blessings, though such treasures perish beneath the fortune of simply having met you. Trust that my absence grieves me as much as I am certain it does you. I feel as plagued and beleaguered as I did when I first arrived in this land whenever I am apart from you, whose presence and love will always be my panacea.

We will embrace one another soon.
Yours in eternity,

My sweet Lydusa,

I cannot temper my anticipation to see you. The Ruby Moon draws nearer, and I have ensured that the Vaunnt and pilgrims will be sent away from your temple. The night will belong only to you and me. As I gaze out from my lonely throne room, the moon to me appears colorless, void, and lacking. For my mortal eyes, ever unworthy, have been thoroughly spoiled by your perfections. They may never again be sated by anything less than your beauty. We will be together soon, my love, or I shall die of a sickness more severe than plague: impatience!

Yours in eternity,