Lore: Temple Pilgrim's Note

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I traveled to this temple seeking answers for our troubles. Long and long have the Pan suffered. We endured plague in our homeland and endless

torment during our journey across the Viilk Marzta. Why were we separated from the others? or did they sail to a fate worse than ours, and we were the ones spared? These thoughts keep me awake night after night. My horns are heavy and my hooves tired. I an not long for this world. Only the goddess can ease my burdens.

I give up. I cannot go goddess will not open the way, and I will on any longer. The never find the answers I seek. There is nothing left for me to do in my old age but sit and gaze upon this strange, empty land and ponder questions that will never be answered.

In my stubbornness, I planted myself beside this obelisk and refused to move. For days and days, I sat and listened to the wind singing as it crossed the canyon's edge, the trickle of water flowing like a youngling's laughter. I watched flowers shyly close in hiding and bloom beneath the sun's gentle warmth. I saw the magnificent Kuri Kuri dip and rise above the clifftops. As I attuned myself with the beauty of this land. I rested my hand upon the obelisk. and a single flame lit atop the temple. That is why the goddess would not open the door for me before. My answers lay not in her halls, but in my pilgrimage. There is life and beauty and meaning everywhere. It is all around us. We Pan have simply forgotten how to look... It is funny... Now that I know how to open the temple doors, I do not have any answers left to seek. I am content as I am.