Lore: Morrow's Journal

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2 Vura 560

Trililamin evidences mild changes in patient #183—increased eye activity and heart rate. Still no response to verbal cues of any kind. Suggest increasing dosage recommendation to 48cc per day.

Patient #47 had another fit today. Suggest electroshock therapy for two days after each incident. Reduce drospirall dosage in preparation.

Inform Levin of these changes personally. He has been known to “forget” written instructions.

29 Vura

Improper doses, and in some cases medications, were administered to several patients yesterday. One patient’s stomach had to be pumped, and we are still uncertain of the long-term effects. This is the third time this month, so Levin has been dismissed. Strict reviews will occur with the rest of the staff as well.

I shall need to establish a stricter regimen for administering medication. Routine and meticulousness are our highest values. Without them, reformation cannot occur. Even where reformation is already impossible (as may be the case with most of our patients) we must fastidiously record both medications and effects in order to learn from them. What we learn from treating a hopeless patient today may save the next patient tomorrow.

I swear, without me, this place would quickly be little more than a prison for invalids—the staff included among them.

17 Rejull

Multiple patients have gone mad! It has been a day of fits and tales and mania. Bouts of dementia have increased tenfold across all patients, and the isolation wing has become quite raucous.

Multiple patients are spouting nonsense, from exclamations that “everything’s different” to disturbing warnings about monsters in the shadows. Even a few of the catatonic or withdrawn patients exhibited new signs of agitation.

Clearly, medications have been switched or worse. I must question the staff thoroughly to find the culprit and make an example of them.

22 Rejull

I am both tired and exhilarated. After days of intense interrogation and investigation, I believe the problem was not improper medication at all! I theorize, rather, that the recent uptick in incidents may be due to a kind of mass hysteria within the asylum.

But what could have caused such a thing?

I have announced a temporary moratorium on all medications as an experiment. It will be interesting to see where this hysteria leads us.

14 Taverd 561

It would appear the hysteria has not been isolated to the asylum. A number of new patients have been admitted exhibiting similar symptoms. Just yesterday, a shoemaker’s assistant arrived who claimed he was on a “quest” to “vanquish evil.” He is now seeking therapy and taking the experimental Dorzopion.

The Noble College of Psychiatry meets next week to discuss these occurences. Alas that I have been so focused on my own work that I am unqualified to speak to what is happening among the general populace, but rest assured, I shall be full of my own data and questions.

17 Novazis

I am ill at ease. I find myself getting upset at the patients for their outbursts—more so than is warranted.

No conclusions have been reached, neither here nor in the Noble College. I must document as much as I can, but it is difficult. The staff... They have taken to beating patients who speak out about what they see. They cannot be trusted (was there ever a time they could?), but even I find it difficult to stay my hand.

No. I must listen and document.

There are a few repeated threads in their ramblings, though it could simply be the nature of mass hysteria as they interact with each other: monsters, evil beings, and one creature in particular they call the “Nightweaver.”

I must admit, their descriptions of this last fable intrigue me, though it is unclear to me why...

3 Romi

I’ve seen it.

Mustn’t tell the staff. No, mustn’t.

Came in dreams. Exactly as patients described.

Should I speak with them? Yes. Learn more... for documentation purposes.

Must learn more about her.

The Nightweaver.