Lore: Groundskeeper's Journal

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8 Vura

What gets me most is the screaming. Supposed to be a hospital, ain’t it? Ain’t no hospital comes with screams like this.

Can’t say nothing, though. I gots me a job. That’s more than what most folks get, and my family needs it more than most. Just gotta keep my head down and the grounds clean. Nothing more.

18 Rejull

Tending the grounds near the building today, I overheard one of them “group therapy” sessions. Load of hollox if you ask me. Half of them patients are too drugged up to even know what’s going on. Doctor’s just going on asking ‘em about side effects and what not. Don’t see how that helps ‘em. Far as I can see, they’re just feeding ‘em pills and taking notes.

But I can’t say nothing. Don’t wanna lose me job or worse.

Anyway, I ain’t no doctor. I only knows what I sees in me own life. Who knows? Maybe pills would help me daughter. But she ain’t hurting no one neither, and she gets more care than anyone in this gods-empty place.

10 Brigill

Lights dimmed across the grounds again. I finally found out what that means—why there’s always yelling then too. It’s basically torture what they’re doing in there. Can’t let ‘em out cuz they’d hurt people, they say. But what’re they doing in there?

Them’s still people. That’s still hurting.

Tavard 1[sic]

New patient went in today not much different than me daughter. Trouble talking. Odd noises and barks and the like. Hands what won’t stop moving. Don’t make ‘em sick, just different. That patient there is somebody’s boy.

Who turned him in, I wonder—society what claims to care for him or a family what claims to love him?

22 Novazis

Ran into Dr. Morrow today walking the grounds. She walked past me like I weren’t even there. One of the perks of the job if you ask me. No one notices the groundskeeper.

S’better that way. Last thing I want is Dr. Morrow’s eye on me work or family life.

Roma 2

Someone came around the house yesterday—someone from the asylum. They didn’t find nothing, but it’s a damn scare. I take personal days whenever me daughter has an episode. Have they figured it out? Why else would they care what I do?

I ain’t losing her, I’ll tell you that. My daughter, now, maybe she won’t ever have what you might call a normal life, but I sure as hell am gonna give her the best life I can ‘til I can’t no more. She ain’t living at this house of horrors. I’ll fight ‘em all afore they try and take her from me.

Maybe that’s why I stay so close.