Lore: Fae Soldier's Journal

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We’re not to allow anyone to leave the castle. Many dissidents have tried to flee, but we’ve stopped them all, spilled their blood all wet and beautiful. I think there’s something skulking below us too. I wonder what it is.

It’s Dran, nesting in the tunnels below. I hear them chittering and wailing. We’re not to harm them, of course. I dare not touch the king’s favored. I will stand guard here as ever. Tis my royal duty.

I hear more of them now. A whole swarm. I like to watch them skitter about from the shadows... They don’t even know I’m there, shrouded by the pall. How easy it would be to flutter down and pluck one from its nest! How it might scream and squirm as I harvest its humors... But I must resist. I’m loyal. I serve the king.

I’ve been thinking again. The king punishes traitors, but he rewards the faithful. And I’ve served loyally for so very long now. Am I not deserving of praise, of reward? Would it not unburden His Majesty to reward myself in his stead? Surely the wise and gracious king would not begrudge a quick, delicious taste...