Lore: Clocktower Note 03

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24 Rejull 560

Can’t wait no longer. Most militia ain’t doing nothing, like they can’t see ‘em at all. Ain’t nothing stopping the creatures, but I need to find you. Need to know you’re all right.

It’s the clock what drew ‘em, I’m sure of it. I see ‘em eyeing it. I can feel it’s magic in me now, thrumming ever since the demons arrived. Best make sure no one winds it again, see if that don’t give the town the time it needs. I’m taking the flywheel with me. This clock won’t run again ‘til the town’s safe.

I hope you’re all right, Hew. I’m leaving these letters here in case, well...in case things don’t go as planned. Maybe you’ll read ‘em. Maybe not. I’m heading home for supplies, then I’m off to find you. Here’s hoping I do before this letter does—or anything else does, for that matter.