Hidden Crypt

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Notes[edit | edit source]

The entrance to the Hidden Crypt is located behind an illusory wall by the sarcophagus in the corner of the room.

  • At the beginning of the area, you must walk through a section of water that contains traps. Be careful as you pass over the pressure plates.
  • Be sure to open the shortcut door once you have made it through the trap section just in case you need to go through the area again

Rewards[edit | edit source]

  • Tomb Dweller's Ring
    • Can be found up a series of ladders which lead to pathway down to a sarcophagus with the ring on it
  • Necklace of Flowing Life
    • Can be found inside of a sarcophagus at the end of the crypt area
      • Note: after dropping down to the sarcophagus, you can NOT go back for the ring without repeating the area from the start

Gallery[edit | edit source]